Introduction to Rauhuia: Terenga Huihuinga | Symposia series

Rauhuia is dedicated to helping teachers, regardless of their role or setting, enhance their leadership capabilities. The Rauhuia Terenga Huihuinga | Symposia Series introduces leadership perspectives, concepts, and contexts, offering brief overviews of leadership topics that spark meaningful conversations. These curated presentations aim to inspire ongoing discussions, helping to foster leadership development within your own educational environment.

You can register for upcoming symposia, access recordings from past events, and explore discussion questions for self-reflection, staff meetings, mentoring, and professional learning groups to continue your engagement.

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Register for upcoming symposia

Te Tūranga a te Kaiako hei Kaihautū o te Panoni Marautanga | The Role of Teachers as Leaders of Curriculum Change

I hoahoatia tēnei huinga wānanga tuihono ki te tuku i ngā rauemi me te māramatanga ki ngā kaiako me ngā kaiarataki hei ārahi i ngā panoni marautanga whaihua i te taiao mātauranga taineke onāianei. Ka aro ia wānanga ki tētahi kaupapa waiwai hei ārahi i ngā whakaumutanga, me te tuku i ngā rautaki whaitake me ngā tohutohu mātanga ki ngā kaiuru. 

This online symposia series is designed to equip teachers and leaders with the tools and insights necessary to drive effective curriculum change in today’s dynamic educational landscape. Each symposium will focus on a key area essential for leading transformative change, providing participants with practical strategies and expert guidance. 



Link to register

Te Hautū i ngā Tukanga Panoni i roto i te Mātauranga | Leading Change Processes in Education

Tūhuratia ngā mātāpono me ngā tikanga o ngā whakahaere panonitanga whaihua i ngā whare mātauranga. Ka kapi i tēnei wānanga me pēhea te hoahoa, te whakatinana me te tautīnei i ngā panoni marautanga me te whakauru mai i te hunga whai pānga

Explore the principles and practices behind successful change management in educational settings. This symposium will cover how to design, implement, and sustain curriculum changes while engaging all stakeholders. 

Tuesday 18 February 2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm


Te Hautūtanga ā-Mātauranga mō te Auahatanga Marautanga | Educational Leadership for Curriculum Innovation

E aro ana ki ngā mahi hautū i roto i te whakahou marautanga, ka ruku atu tēnei wāhanga ki te āhua o te whakaaweawe me te tautoko a ngā kaihautū i ā rātou kāhui mā te whakarite matawhānui, whakamahere ā-rautaki, me te hāpai i tētahi ahurea auaha.

Focused on the role of leadership in curriculum reform, this session will delve into how leaders can inspire and support their teams through vision setting, strategic planning, and fostering a culture of innovation.

Tuesday 1 April 2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm


Te tautīnei i ngā panonitanga mā te akoako, mā te ārahi, me te mahi ngātahiSustaining change through coaching, mentoring and collaboration

He mahi waiwai te akoako me te ārahi hei whakamana i ngā kaiako ki te kapo ake i ngā panonitanga. Mā tēnei wānanga e tuku ngā tikanga hei hāpai i te whakatipunga ngaio, te mahi ngātahi, me te manawaroa i te wā o ngā whakawhitinga.

Coaching and mentoring are critical for empowering teachers to embrace change. This symposium will offer approaches that foster professional growth, collaboration, and resilience during transitions.

Wednesday 14 May 2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm


Mātauranga Kauawhi: Te Hangahou i te Kawenga o te Marautanga | Inclusive Education: Reshaping Curriculum Delivery

Ka āta wetewete tēnei wāhanga i ngā tuatinitanga o te hautū i ngā tikanga mātauranga kauawhi. Ka tūhura ngā kaiuru i ngā rautaki hei kawe i ngā marau mā tētahi ara e tutuki ai ngā matea o te ākonga kanorau

This session will tackle the complexities of leading inclusive education practices. Participants will explore strategies to deliver curricula in a way that meets diverse learners' needs. 

Wednesday 18 June 2025, 4:00pm - 5:30pm


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Mana oranga - Well-being series

The Educational Leadership Capability Framework stresses that leaders must actively focus on their own well-being. While this is often considered from a health perspective, the mana oranga series explores well-being from a variety of viewpoints.

Tino rangatiratanga me te mana motuhake

18 October 2022

Leaders use their knowledge and experience to enhance both local and national professional networks. They seize opportunities to create initiatives that go beyond individual contributions, providing valuable resources that others can draw on to improve educational practice. In this symposium, Pānia Pāpa and Hans Tiakawai shared insights and experiences from their unique perspectives.

Discussion questions

  1. How did you see rangatiratanga me te  mana motuhake reflected in Pānia and Han's korero?
  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership align with  Pānia and Han's korero?
  3. What implications might their kaupapa have on your own leadership practice, and how might it influence have on the leadership conversations in your setting? 

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Whanaungatanga me te aroha

17 November 2022

The Educational Leadership Capability Framework highlights that high-trust relationships are essential for effective leadership. In this symposium, Professor Meihana Durie examined the balance of opposing forces from both personal and professional viewpoints, while Yvonne Tahere and Janeen Marino shared their 25-year journey with their kura and the Ōtaki community.


Discussion questions

  1. How did you see whanaungatanga me te aroha reflected in the presentations?
  2. Look at the Rauhuia Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership connect with Meihana, Yvonne, and Janeen’s kōrero?
  3. How might their kaupapa influence your leadership practice and the leadership conversations in your unique context? 

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Ngā tūmanako me te ngākaupai

30 March 2023

Leaders are driven by a sense of purpose and a hopeful outlook for the future. They collaborate with their communities, trusting them to shape what lies ahead. In this symposium, Jenny Ritchie, Katarina Alexopoulos, and Tennessee Eccleston shared their experiences and insights.

Discussion questions

  1. How did you see Ngā tūmanako me te ngākaupai reflected in the presentations?
  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership connect with Jenny, Katarina, and Tennessee's kōrero?
  3. How might their kaupapa affect your practice as a leader and the leadership conversations in your context?

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Wairuatanga me te manawaora

2 May 2023

The Health and Wellbeing for Arts Education (HAWFAE) team, a group of drama educators, formed a tribe to support their own well-being. Their aim is to share this learning through their classrooms, students, and the wider arts community, including the publication of their journal, UHO.

Discussion questions

  1. What aspects of the presentation resonate with you?
  2. How do you keep health and well-being central to your role as a teacher leader.
  3. How does the concept of teachers as leaders resonate with you, and how is this highlighted in this presentation?
  4. What does this presentation make you consider about the skills and dispositions needed to help your community develop?

Download UHO Journal:
UHO Issue Tahi
UHO Issue Rua

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Mana o te whenua

The Pacific is home to a rich diversity of cultures, languages, and landscapes. In Aotearoa, we're fortunate to have a growing Pacific Island population, with many Pacific educators and learners. Our schools and early learning centres must be spaces where Pacific pedagogies and knowledge are embraced.


24 August 2023

This symposium explored Pacific perspectives on leadership, focusing on how we can connect with other leaders across diverse educational contexts. Michelle Johansson and Melanie Cottingham shared their insights on bridging these gaps.

Discussion questions:

  1. What aspects of the presentation resonate with you?
  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership align with Michelle and Melanie’s kōrero?
  3. What does this presentation make you consider in terms of the skills and dispositions needed to help your community?

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26 October 2023

We're all likely to have maunga that we connect with. Think about the perspective that you view that maunga from. Each of us sees the maunga from our own personal viewpoint, from our own perspective. What if that maunga represented our leadership stance? When we consider how our unique educational context impacts on our leadership, we start to understand the concept of mana whenua, where our own mana and those of our team is directly impacted by the places and spaces we inhabit. In this symposium, Stacey Morrison and Jonathan Hughes shared the links between community, hopes and dreams and how these combined with the technical knowledge of the education system to build meaningful results for ākonga.

Discusssion questions:

  1. What key messages from the presentation resonate with you?
  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership align with Stacey and Jonathan’s kōrero?
  3. What does their kōrero make you consider regarding your leadership practice?

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23 November 2023

In this symposium, Dr. Mike Paki and Ngahina Transom explored the importance of engaging with teachers, parents, whānau, and local communities to build support networks and enhance leadership capabilities.

Discussion questions:

  1.  What key messages from the presentation resonate with you?

  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership connect with Mike and Ngahina’s kōrero?

  3. How might their ideas influence your leadership practice?

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Ahi kā

23 May 2024

How do we keep the home fires burning for future generations of leaders? In this symposium Moko Tepania and Moana Timoko shared their experience with exploring concepts of intergenerational knowledge, future focussed education and clearing a path to the future. 

Discussion questions:

  1. What key messages from the presentation resonate with you?
  2. Refer to the Educational Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership align with Moko and Moana’s kōrero?
  3. How does their kōrero impact the skills and dispositions you need to develop as a leader? 

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Navigating the professional realm of generative artificial intelligence for teachers

What does being professional in the space of Generative AI mean?

Empowering teachers: A deep dive into generative AI

30 July 2024

This symposium explored the potential impact of generative AI on education, particularly on teaching and teachers. It covers the basics of generative AI, along with ethical considerations, benefits, and potential risks in educational contexts. Claire Amos and Klaris Philipson shared how generative AI is being used in their school to enhance teaching and learning.

Discussion questions

  1. How can you leverage generative AI to enhance teaching practices and student-teacher interactions?
  2. Refer to the Rauhuia Leadership Capability Framework — how does generative AI connect with leadership principles?
  3. How might the ideas shared in this symposium influence your leadership practice?

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Empowering teachers: Integrating professional expertise with generative AI technologies

25 September 2024

This symposium explored the role of teachers as professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand, focusing on how they can navigate the intersection of their commitment to the teaching profession, cultural knowledge, professional judgment, and the integration of generative AI tools in the classroom. Dr. Karaitiana Taiuru and Ruth Murray shared their insights on strategies to avoid bias, uphold cultural narratives, and promote diversity as educators embrace AI's potential in education.

Discussion questions: 

  1. How can you balance your professional responsibilities as a teacher, ensuring that you uphold cultural narratives, promote diversity, and make informed professional judgments, while integrating generative AI tools?
  2. Look at the Rauhuia Leadership Capability Framework — what aspects of leadership can you see connecting with Karaitiana and Ruth’s korero?
  3. What implications might Karaitiana and Ruth’s kaupapa have on your own practice as a leader, what impact might it have on the leadership capability conversations in your setting?

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Enhancing efficiency: Navigating productivity tools in educational settings with a focus on privacy, reliability and ethical considerations

14 November 2024

This symposium examined the practical applications of generative AI in educational settings to enhance productivity. A cross-sector panel, featuring Claire Amos, Simon Ashby, Ruth Murray, and Te Taka Keegan, shared insights, strategies, and best practices for utilising AI. They offered teachers practical ideas for implementation and guidance on how to navigate the evolving role of AI in education.

Discussion questions:

  1. How can you incorporate generative AI into your teaching practice to support student learning, while staying adaptable to the changing role of AI in education?
  2. Refer to the Rauhuia Leadership Capability Framework — which aspects of leadership are reflected in the panel's kōrero?
  3. How might the ideas shared in this symposium influence your practice as a leader, and what impact could they have on leadership conversations in your context?

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