Tēnā koe
Spring is here! It’s a good reminder to us all, that no matter what the last few months have held, there’s always a new season around the corner, and a chance to start anew.
Covid-19 saw kaiako and tumuaki faced with, yet again, the challenge of remote learning and adapting to working from home. We want to thank you all for your continued efforts to rapidly move your classrooms online for tamariki across the country. We know this isn't easy.
We’d also like to send a message to our Pasifika aiga, who are facing a difficult time due to Covid. The Teaching Council does not tolerate any form of racism and discrimination. Please know we stand by all Pasifika families; we are thinking of you, we see you, and we are here for you.
Matou te fia fa'ailoa atu e ala i lenei fa'asilasilaga, mo aiga Pasifika uma o lo'o feagai ma lenei taimi faigata ole COVITI. O le Aufono Faiaoga e le taliaina so'o se ituaiga fa'ailoga lanu po'o le fa'ailoga tagata. Fa'amolemole mo le silafia, matou te tutū fa'atasi mo tagata Pasifika uma, e lē fa'agaloina outou i o matou mafaufauga, i lo matou vaai, matou te avanoa mo outou i so'o se taimi.
Nāku noa, nā
Lesley Hoskin,
Chief Executive
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Key dates for Teaching Council Board Elections 2022 |
In the last August Matatū newsletter we mentioned that we'd be sharing information on the Board Elections 2022 to ensure the process is easy to follow and you have plenty of time to nominate and vote.
Candidate nominations open on Monday 1 November 2021! You can view the remaining dates on our website, below. Information on how to nominate will be made available from 1 November 2021.
As a reminder, the election process and timeframes are governed by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa Election Rules 2018. This means key dates will fall close to the end of Term 4 2021 and early in Term 1 2022.
For more information on the Teaching Council Board Elections 2022, please follow the link to our website here.
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Support the profession: join the Teaching Council Competence Authority |
To support us in upholding the status of the profession, we’re inviting expressions of interest from all sectors of the teaching profession to join the Competence Authority.
We’re looking for experienced teachers who want to make a difference, and who are interested in this excellent opportunity to gain an understanding of the Teaching Council’s role.
The Competence Authority meets (minimum) 6 times a year to review the report and recommendations provided by a professional practice evaluator. They then decide the next steps/outcomes for teachers who have not shown that they have met the Ngā Paerewa | Standards of the Teaching Profession.
The Teaching Council strives for fair outcomes, considering teachers individual situations and acknowledging and protecting mana through a respectful, inclusive, Te Tiriti o Waitangi led and values-based process.
Please email your expression of interest to the Competence Authority secretariat: Competence@teachingcouncil.nz
Expressions of interest close 23 September 2021.
Interested in supporting competence investigations? |
The Teaching Council is seeking passionate, professional, and mana-enhancing teachers and kaiako to become He Toa o ngā Paerewa | Champions of the Standards.
He Toa o ngā Paerewa will work with us to complete evaluations of teachers, whose competence has been queried. The Teaching Council is eager to bring currently practising teachers into the competence evaluation space, to strengthen the process and ensure judgements reflect current teaching practice.
If you are interested in this role, please email an expression of interest to Competence@teachingcouncil.nz
Your professional practice |
Working with NZEI to shape Rauhuia | Leadership |
Earlier in the year, the Teaching Council launched the Rauhuia | Leadership Space, giving effect to the vision of the Leadership Strategy | Rautaki Kaihautū. Rauhuia supports the growth and development of leadership capability for all registered teachers across English and Māori medium settings, in positional and non-positional roles, not just professional leaders. To learn more about this mahi, please click here to see a brief video on the background to Rauhuia | Leadership Space.
We’d now like you to contribute to the design of Rauhuia: to think, plan and test what you would like the Leadership Space to do, what priorities it should focus on and how it might meet professional leadership needs. As supporters of the Leadership Strategy, NZEI Te Riu Roa has a key role in making sure that the parts of the sector they have coverage in are active in taking up the opportunity that the Teaching Council has given. Please click here to provide feedback through our online survey, on Leadership.
As shared in our last newsletter, Stephen Lethbridge and Anastasia Aukuso-Lolo are actively seeking the voice of teachers, middle and senior leaders. To collaborate with them further, please email the below:
AnastasiaA@nzei.org.nz StephenL@nzei.org.nz Rauhuia@teachingcouncil.nz
Webinar series - evidence in the age of the Professional Growth Cycle
We’re co-facilitating a webinar series with NZEI to help new teachers network, share and learn! Each webinar introduces you to a wide variety of ECE expertise and invites you to ask questions. While the focus is on beginning teachers in early childhood education, all beginning teachers are welcome to attend. The next webinar, 'Evidence in the age of the Professional Growth Cycle', hosted by Dr Christina Thornley will be held from 6pm - 7pm on 21 September 2021. To register, and to find out more about the webinar, follow this link here.
Tupuranga Ngaio
Over the next few months the Teaching Council will be presenting Tupuranga Ngaio (PGC) webinar for Māori Medium. Please keep an eye out on our website, and your inbox in the coming days for event info, and further details on this mahi!
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Hapori Matatū - an 'easy' tool for registration and certification |
Since going live in May 2020, Hapori Matatū has now received over 40,000 applications for registration and certification. That’s a lot of applications!
In July 2021, 52% of all applications were processed within 5 working days* and 67% of teachers surveyed said the system was ‘very easy’ or ‘easy’ to use.
Ngā mihi to our teachers, kaiako, leaders and tumuaki for taking the time to complete our surveys, and for embracing our online platform!
For more information on Hapori Matatū, visit our website here.
*This processing time is taken from the time the Council has all the information required, including the professional leader endorsement and police vet.
Connecting with the Unteach Racism modules |
The Unteach Racism app, launched in May this year, is getting great feedback. It’s exciting to see so many coming on board and using it! The app is designed to be worked through at your own pace. Some of the content requires reflection, or raises issues that users need time to work through - and that’s ok. We appreciate that everyone will be at different stages in their journey!
In the first module, titled ‘Unteach Racism’, you will explore the system of racism in Aotearoa, how it impacts us all, and how it presents itself in education. You will identify the different ways racism has shaped our systems, structures, and social outcomes. The modules are easy to work through and can be completed in any order.
There are many ways to connect with this mahi:
Broadening horizons and challenging stereotypes with TEC |
Inspiring the Future is an exciting new (free!) programme for primary and intermediate students across Aotearoa. It's based on research, finding youth career aspirations are narrow, and their potential is being limited by unconscious bias.
At an Inspiring the Future event, young people hear from volunteer role models in their communities, find out why people love their jobs, as well as job pathways and challenges people have faced along the way.
Schools log in to the digital platform to schedule either an in-person or online event, where role models are ready and waiting to be invited. Resources are provided to help schools run events – these are designed to fit the curriculum, and include additional activities to support teachers in providing career advice to learners!
To find out more about Inspiring the Future, and to schedule an event, visit their website here. You can also watch the video below.

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Your Governing Council at Work |
At the August hui, your Governing Council:
- Discussed the impact COVID 19 has had on ITE requirements, and considered temporary changes to the requirements for practical experience to enable students to continue their programmes.
- Furthered discussions for the strategic plan process which will be consulted on shortly.
- Discussed possible implications on fees following the Judicial Review, the current Bill before the House and appearance at Select Committee.
- Discussed the upcoming key stakeholder hui being held in September.
- Considered the Teaching Council Business Plan 2021-22, key deliverables, and areas of focus.