OPEN: Consultation on a revised set of standards for the teaching profession
We invite feedback on a revised set of standards. Please see further information below including a short survey where you can give your views on the proposed new standards.
The standards and why they are changing
Society places a high bar on teachers for what they know, what they do, and who they are. One key way teachers support themselves and their colleagues to uphold these high expectations is through professional standards for teaching. An important function of Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand is to establish and maintain those standards for the profession.
Teaching standards outline expectations for all teachers to meet. They are also a framework for teachers to continue to reflect and further develop their knowledge and practice over time, supported by their fellow teachers, principals, and professional leaders.
The current Ngā Paerewa mō te Umanga Whakaakoranga | Standards for the Teaching Profession were developed in 2016 and 2017 by teachers, principals, early childhood leaders and the Teaching Council. Much has changed since then, and the teaching profession and society have continued to grow and evolve.
The Teaching Council has been signalling for around a year that it would be timely to consider revisions to the standards in 2025. The proposal we have set out has also had regard to priorities set out in the recent Statement of Government Policy Relating to Teaching Council Functions.
The revised set of standards
The diagram above presents the revised set of standards that we are proposing in a single visual image. More detailed information about the proposed new standards and the focus areas under each of them can be found further below.
Our approach to developing a revised set of standards has been centred very much on retaining what teachers value in the existing standards, while looking for ways to draw out some aspects that have become more prominent. We have also considered whether it was possible to present the set of standards in a way that was more intuitive and accessible to those entering the profession, as well as for external stakeholders and the wider public.
You can see in the diagram above how the eight new proposed standards have been developed from the existing six standards. There are three components to this:
- No changes proposed for Standard 1 (Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership).
- Standard 5 (Design for Learning) split to become three new standards.
- Standards 2, 3, 4 and 6 are reordered.
Important – this consultation relates only to the standards as expressed in English
This consultation process relates only to the standards for the teaching profession as expressed in English.
We have recently commenced a process with leaders of the profession in Māori-medium settings to develop a new expression of the standards in te reo Māori.
The scope of this work is somewhat open ended. If it is their preference that, once again, this be an authentic te reo Māori expression of essentially the same standards as expressed in English, then the Teaching Council is happy to support that.
But we are also open to the Māori-medium sector developing a distinct set of professional standards for teachers. If this were to occur, these would likely become the professional standards for Māori-medium settings. There will be a separate consultation related to the refresh of Ngā Paerewa.
Related work on standards for principals
The Teaching Council has received ongoing feedback that principals do not see their practice clearly articulated in the current standards for teachers.
The Teaching Council will explore the creation of a separate set of standards for principals, using as a starting point the well-established standards that reside in Principal Collective Agreements. There will be a separate consultation related to any proposed standards for principals.
Resources and next steps
We need your feedback on the proposed new standards. We are your professional body, and the standards will continue to be a key part of your professional growth and development.
Complete a short survey and submit your feedback
The Teaching Council also welcomes written or oral submissions. Please send written submissions and requests for oral submissions, or any questions about the consultation to:
The consultation runs until 5:00pm, Friday 2 May 2025.
All feedback that we receive will be considered before final decisions are made on new standards for the teaching profession.