OPEN: Proposed mathematics entry requirement for primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Programmes: Consultation on English medium ITE
At a glance
- The consultation period starts from Thursday 29 August and closes 5:00pm Monday 30 September 2024.
- Read the consultation document about the proposed changes.
- Complete a three-minute survey on the proposed changes.
- Make your submission directly to:
- The Teaching Council will consider all feedback before making a decision on the proposed changes.
About the proposed changes
The Teaching Council is considering changes to the ITE Programme Requirements policy to make it a requirement that student teachers enrolling in primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes must demonstrate competence in mathematics.
Please note that these proposed changes would apply to primary teaching programmes, but not to secondary and early childhood education teaching programmes.
Our ITE programmes are where student teachers begin their teaching journey, and, as such, primary ITE programmes have a critical role in preparing student teachers and giving them a strong grounding in the content and teaching practices of the mathematics and Pāngarau curricula areas.
By moving towards a requirement to demonstrate competence in mathematics prior to entry, this proposal aims to support the effectiveness of this role by ensuring a shared threshold of numeracy and mathematical understanding.
Note: this consultation relates to English medium primary ITE programmes. A related process of engagement and consultation on Māori medium primary ITE programmes is also commencing, with its own timeframes.
How to have your say
We really value your feedback and suggestions on the changes that we’re proposing.
Read the consultation document.
Complete a three-minute survey.
The Teaching Council also welcomes written or oral submissions. Please send written submissions and requests for oral submissions, or any questions about the consultation to:
What we will do with your feedback
The Teaching Council will analyse and consider your feedback before making decisions on the proposed amendments to the Programme Requirements. An analysis of the submissions will be published.
The Teaching Council is required to consider any request to release the submissions under the Official Information Act (OIA). Any submissions released under the OIA will be anonymised. You cannot veto the release of your submission under the OIA, but you can let us know if there are specific reasons why you would like your feedback to remain confidential, and we will consider those reasons before deciding on any OIA request that is received.
Te Whare o te Matatū Aotearoa | House of the Teaching Profession
All the Teaching Council’s work is underpinned by recognition of our partnership responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have illustrated this using a whare metaphor, which includes a depiction of our Tiriti partnership relationship using the tukutuku panels.
Ngā Pātū o te Whare | Wall of Identity?
Ngā Pātū o te Whare reminds us of our responsibilities as Tiriti partners, and the accountability we have to all communities. This includes our responsibility to (amongst other things) support the protection and revitalisation of te reo Māori as a taonga for iwi, hapū and whānau and as a language integral to our national identity. It also provides space for us to respond to needs and aspirations of different communities as these are identified.