As a principal or professional leader, as part of your legal obligations, you may need to submit mandatory reports from time to time. There are a variety of situations for which you’d need to submit one including:

  • A reason to believe a teacher has engaged in serious misconduct – see the examples of types of serious misconduct that need to be reported.
  • Any dismissal of a teacher for any reason.
  • A teacher resigning 12 months or less after a conduct or competence issue raised – if a teacher resigned or their contract ends, and the school or centre told the teacher it was unhappy with or was going to investigate the teacher’s conduct or competence within less than 12 months before the teacher’s resignation.
  • Receiving a complaint about a teacher who has recently left - if your school or centre receives a complaint about the conduct or competence of a former teacherless than 12 months since they have left. 
  • Competence level – if, after taking steps to address a problem, the school or centre believes the teacher hasn’t reached the required competence level.

If you’re a registered teacher, you can log in to Hapori Matatū to submit a mandatory report.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Professional Responsibility’ tab and click on ‘Submit a Report.’
  2. Answer the questions on each screen and click ‘Next’ as you complete each screen.

Editing a draft report:

  1. Go to the ‘Professional Responsibility’ tab and click on the ‘My Submitted Reports’ tile.
  2. Click the case number or subject of the draft mandatory report you would like to edit.
  3. Click on the ‘Submit Draft Report’ button. 

(You'll be taken to the draft report, where you can make any changes before submitting).

For a detailed set of instructions including screenshots, please read page 44 of the Hapori Matatū User Guide.

Note: please download and complete a mandatory report form and email it to 
if you don't have access to Hapori Matatū, and are either:

  • an ECE centre manager
  • a manager or owner of a ECE service
  • a Board of Trustees Chair for primary or secondary school, or kura.