An extension to teach allows a professional leader to employ someone in a teaching position while their practising certificate or authorisation is being processed.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, by law, a teacher can continue to be employed in any teaching position without a practising certificate or Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) for up to 10 days (20 half-days) in a year. Beyond this, the teacher will need to be granted an extension to teach, to teach lawfully.

Complete the extension request form on Hapori Matatū.

To complete the form, you'll need the following:

  • Your registration number (located in the ‘My Details’ section of Hapori Matatū).
  • The registration number of the teacher, or reference number for a beginning teacher who is not yet registered, or the authorisation number for a Limited Authority to Teach (please refer to the acknowledgement email sent by the Teaching Council to the teacher).
  • The learning centre's Ministry of Education (MoE) number. 

Find out who is eligible for an extension.

If the extension request is for you, your board's presiding member can complete the request.

Note: once granted, you should receive an official confirmation email. You’ll then see the extension on the online register.