Teachers can select a principal or centre manager as their identity referee.

If you’re asked to verify a teacher’s identity, you’ll receive an email from Hapori Matatū asking you to log in to start the process. You’ll need to have the ‘Professional Leader’ role type assigned to your Education Sector Logon (ESL). If you don’t see it, your ESL Delegated Authoriser* can add this role for you.

Follow the instructions below to verify the teacher’s identity.

  1. In Hapori Matatū, go to the Registration & Certification tab and select ‘Approval Requests.’
  2. Click on the down arrow to change the list view to ‘My ID Approvals’.
  3. Select the appropriate ENDORSE-xxxx to view the identity verification details.
  4. Click the ‘Verify Identity’ button.
  5. Answer each question for the primary and secondary identity documents, then click ‘Submit’ to complete the identity verification.

If you need more detailed instructions, take a look at page 36 of the Hapori Matatū User Guide.

If you’ve received an email notification and have the Professional Leader role but can’t see the request, the teacher might have selected the incorrect person. Let the teacher know that the easiest way to find you is to select your name by your Teaching Council registration number.

*An ESL Delegated Authoriser can view and maintain ESL user accounts for an organisation and manage their users' access to education sector applications. Please contact the Education Service Desk if you need help.