Development of the Leadership Strategy
We worked with teachers, leaders, academics and representatives of the profession to draft the Strategy.
The development process of the draft Strategy was iterative, with many opportunities to meet and provide feedback. Teachers across the entire profession from ECE to Tertiary, in English and Māori medium settings, helped shape the draft of the Strategy through an online survey, focus groups and discussions.
Consultation of the draft strategy ran for three months, beginning in December 2017. We received 191 submissions through the online survey, email or hard copy.

Who responded to the consultation, by sector.
The feedback from the profession was positive; many respondents welcomed the Strategy and its timeliness.
The Leadership Capability Framework was outlined as an initiative in the draft Leadership Strategy and was developed in response to positive feedback during the consultation. The Framework outlines the core capabilities needed for effective leadership and what the capabilities look like in different spheres of leadership influence: organisational, team or middle, expert teachers and those who take responsibility for an initiative. It is a practical tool to identify, grow and develop leadership capability.
We consulted on the Framework with those involved in the development of the Leadership Strategy and education agencies during July 2018.
The finalised Strategy and Framework were launched to the teaching profession in August 2018.
Sector events
Academic Forums, February 2017 and July 2017
Participants | Academics Dr Linda Bendikson Education Council Robyn Baker |
Focus | We considered what effective leadership would look like in a future New Zealand context and how we could achieve this vision. We hosted the second forum to establish next steps for the strategy. |
Resources | Research paper: Synthesis of views from the first Academic Forum Academic Forum summary graphic Research paper: Synthesis of views from the second Academic Forum |
Agency Symposium, March 2017
Participants | Ministry of Education Education Review Office Education Council New Zealand Qualifications Authority Tertiary Education Commission Treasury |
Focus | We considered the position of the profession, how we could use data to make sense of the bigger picture, tell a story and show connections. |
Resources | Summary graphic |
Profession Forum, March 2017 and August 2017
Participants | Auckland Kindergarten Association Unable to attend: Early Childhood Council |
Focus | We discussed what would help leaders be effective, what the vision is for the state of leadership to be in ten years and how to get there. |
Resources | Insight: Synthesis of views from the Professional Forum Research paper: Synthesis of views from the second Professional Forum |
Māori Leadership Forum, June 2017
Participants | Aronui Limited Education Review Office Ministry of Education Ngā Kura a Iwi RTM/NARTAM St Joseph’s Māori girls school Te Akatea National Māori Principals Association Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu Te Puni Kokiri Te Whare Wānanga o Awānuiarangi Tertiary Education Commission The University of Auckland Waikato University |
Focus | A conversation with Māori education leaders about how the leadership strategy should be framed and what critical elements it should include. The participants considered what must happen to widen the spread of knowledge |
Resources | Insight: Synthesis of views from the Māori Leadership Forum |