
During the last four years 77 individual programme approvals have been undertaken.  Following the first year of delivery, a programme must be monitored.  Monitoring ensures the programme is being taught as approved and that any guidance provided at the time of approval has been followed up. As we work with our ITE advisory group to further develop the Monitoring, Review and Moderations processes, we have had an interim process in place.  The interim monitoring process involves a visit from an external monitor (either an Initial Teacher expert or a Council Lead Advisor) and for NZQA accredited providers, an evaluator from NZQA.   


Matatū Aotearoa |Teaching Council recently completed an evaluation of ITE programmes approved in 2019 using our interim monitoring process.  Our evaluation considered monitoring undertaken for programmes delivered by nine ITE providers – five universities, three Private Training Establishments (PTE), and one Institute of Technology/Polytechnic (ITP). The monitoring visit was undertaken for between 1-6 programmes at a time.


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Teaching Council Interim Monitoring Evaluation Report 2021-2022