

You are a New Zealand registered teacher

Teacher registration number - your registration number was provided when your registration was approved. The number can be found on the Register of New Zealand Registered Teachers on the Council’s website. We will auto-populate your practising certificate application with your registration number. 

You have completed at least two years of uninterrupted teaching in the last five years. OR

An endorsement from your professional leader that you meet the Standards | Ngā Paerewa as required for your practising certificate type


A list of your teaching positions in the last five years. 

You have completed a teacher refresh process

Evidence of completion of your practice plan or Teacher Education Refresh programme

You have completed satisfactory professional development in the past three years 

An endorsement from your professional leader, that you have completed satisfactory professional development in the past three years.

This can include your participation in your setting's agreed professional growth cycle.

You are committed to the expectations in the Code | Ngā Tikanga Matatika 

A declaration that you are committed to the values and expectations in the Code Ngā Tikanga Matatika 


A declaration about any matters for which you are under investigation, that might impact your teaching or ability to meet the requirements of the Code | Ngā Tikanga Matatika. 

You have a satisfactory NZ police vet 

Your consent for the Council to apply to New Zealand Police for your police vet;  


Confirmation of the types of current, verified identity documents that you provided to your identity referee. 

You are physically and mentally able to carry out a teaching role safely and satisfactorily  

A declaration that you do not have a condition that would affect your ability to teach safely and satisfactorily.  

If required: Any additional evidence, such as a medical certificate, to support your ability to teach. 

You have continued to develop and practice te reo me ngā tikanga Māori 

A declaration that you have continued to develop and practise te reo me ngā tikanga Māori while practising as a teacher;  


An endorsement by your professional leader, that you have shown progress in te reo me ngā tikanga Māori as required by the Standards | Ngā Paerewa