Certified copies

The document(s) you provide must be certified by an official such as a Justice of the Peace, a solicitor, a Notary Public, a registrar, or the authority who originally issued the document.

The person certifying your document(s) must:

  • note on every page the words “certified true copy of the original” 
  • clearly identify and include on the document their:
    • full name
    • title 
    • signature
    • address and contact number
    • official stamp or seal
    • certification date.

Teaching practicum evidence

A practicum is an in-classroom experience where you are assessed as part of your initial teacher education qualification. This may also be known as internship, school placement, practical teaching, school-based training, or internship.

Evidence can be provided from the university, school, or college in the form of an official letter. It should contain the following details:

  • Practicum length.
  • Age of learners.
  • Type of institution practicum was completed at.
  • Brief description of practicum component.

Teaching evidence

The Teaching Council is able to consider overseas teaching experience completed in settings equivalent to New Zealand educational institutions. This applies to overseas-trained teachers applying for New Zealand registration and their first Tōmua | Provisional Practising Certificate.

Testimonial/reference letters

This is a professional reflection of your teaching practice from your professional leader, principal, supervisor, head of department, or line manager. 

  • It must be on an official school letter head signed and dated.
  • It may comment on; your role in the organisation, your professional practice, responsibilities you held, and anything else they think may be relevant.
  • These should be recent and up to date (usually within the last 10 years).

NB: If unable to provide a testimonial you may provide a certificate of employment as evidence of employment.

The professional leader may want to review the Ngā Paerewa | Standards as guidelines to reflect your teaching practice within the testimonial.

Formal assessment

This is evidence of your most recent appraisal documentation, lesson observations, or performance management documentation/reviews. Common documents from countries include:

  • Philippines – IRPC
  • South Africa – QMS
  • Fiji – myAPA

If this is uncommon practice or an informal process in the country you have been teaching, you may want to include a statement from a professional leader detailing the informal appraisal process you have undertaken. If the professional leader is unable to provide either of the above due to the school's policy, the registration officer can make a discretionary decision if the application can be progressed.

Professional development

This is evidence of continued education or professional development. A list of workshops, seminars, in-house training, courses, and other development activities undertaken since completing your initial teacher education qualification can be provided.

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Supervised teaching experience and/or overseas induction and mentoring

Induction is the broad term for all support and guidance (including mentoring) provided to newly graduated/beginner teachers as they begin their teaching practice in real situations. It is about building the teaching profession and ensuring teachers are part of a learning community focused on continually improving the learning outcomes of all their learners.

The programme should be focused on enabling graduate teachers to learn and practise the skills, attitudes, and attributes they need to become accomplished teachers who can improve the learning outcomes of diverse learners. Preferably, evidence will be a detailed statement from the professional leader of the school outlining the structure and content of the induction programme. The letter should include details regarding the regularity of meetings with your mentor teacher, frequency of their observations of your teaching, and identify what professional standards you were expected to meet by the end of the induction programme.

Similar induction and mentoring programmes to New Zealand:

  • England – Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) year. Accepted evidence is the Induction certificate from Department of Education.
  • Scotland – Full registration with General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTC Scotland).
  • Republic of Ireland – Droichead. Accepted evidence Full registration with the Teaching Council Ireland.

NB: Supervised teaching experience can only be considered after completion of your Initial Teacher Education (ITE) qualification comparable to New Zealand.

Supervised teaching experience is not compulsory for teacher registration and certification.

Professional status

If you hold a teacher license or teacher registration in another country, you can submit a letter of professional standing.

Common documents from countries include:

  • Fiji – Fijian teacher registration authority (FTRA) licence.
  • South Africa – South African Council of Educators.
  • Philippines – Professional Regulation Commission licence.
  • USA – State licence.
  • Canada – Province teacher registration licence.
  • United Kingdom – Quality Teacher Status (QTS).

The Teaching Council is aware not all countries have a professional teaching body.

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