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These are the pathways to fulfil the satisfactorily trained to teach requirement:


Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (Australian-trained teachers) 

Discretionary pathway (if your report says you do not meet the core knowledge requirements)

If none of the pathways apply to you, you can gain a teaching qualification at university or polytechnic in New Zealand. Check out a list of approved qualifications that will enable you to gain registration. 


From 1 January 2025, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) pre-approved overseas teaching list will be removed. Individuals with overseas teaching qualifications will need to apply for a teaching International Qualifications Assessment (IQA).

It’s important to note you may need to obtain an IQA for other purposes, for example, setting teacher salary. 

If you've not completed recent teaching or the Teaching Council is not assured your skills and knowledge are up to date, then you'll be required to undertake a refresh programme

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Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (Australia and New Zealand)

If you're registered and hold Provisional or Full registration in one of the following registration bodies, you may eligible for a practising certificate under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (TTMRA) 1997: 

  • Queensland College of Teachers 
  • Teachers Registration Board of South Australia 
  • Victoria Institute of Teaching 
  • Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania 
  • Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia 
  • Teachers Registration Board of the Northern Territory 
  • ACT Teacher Quality Institute. 
  • NSW Education Standards Authority 

You'll need to provide evidence of your current registration in the relevant category for the Teaching Council to verify. 

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Discretionary pathway

Your NZQA report may state that your qualifications do not meet the core knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Initial Teacher Education qualification.

The discretionary pathway considers qualifications, teaching experience, appraisal material and professional development as a package to determine whether you can be granted registration as an exception to policy

Please allow additional time for your application to be processed through this pathway.  

Please provide certified copies of these documents for our consideration: 

  1. The NZQA assessment report of your teaching qualifications at level 7 or above - Demonstrating appropriate qualifications for teaching in the public education system in your previous country. 

  2. Certified official transcript copies for each qualification - If you also have a Diploma Supplement for a European higher education diploma or a course/ qualification outline, then please provide a certified copy.

  3. Information regarding the practicum component of your teaching qualification - Please provide an explanation of the practicum component of your teaching qualification including the length, age of learners taught and the type of institution.

  4. Information about professional teacher registration status - If you hold registration/certification or another type of status as a teacher in another country, please provide official documentation detailing your professional status.

  5. Teaching service - Please provide evidence of all teaching service and explain any significant gaps. Include details of any senior teaching positions held and the types of institutions where you have taught. Official statements of service from employers are preferred.

  6. Language proficiency - Evidence that you meet the Teaching Council's language competency requirements

  7. Certified copies of appraisal, observation and teaching assessment - Evidence of appraisal documentation, lesson observations, performance management documentation/reviews relating to recent teaching experience (usually within the last five years, but older documentation will be considered).

  8. Induction/Mentored teaching - Evidence of a supervised programme of induction or mentored teaching completed as a newly qualified or beginning teacher. Preferably a detailed statement from the professional leader of the school outlining the structure and content of your induction programme. Include details regarding the regularity of meetings with your mentor teacher, frequency of their observations of your teaching, and identify what professional standards you were expected to meet by the end of the induction programme. Teachers from the UK may provide this in the form of a certified copy of their Induction certificate issued by the GTC in England, Scotland or Wales.

  9. Support from professional leaders - Certified copies or original testimonials or references (on official letterhead, signed and dated) that relate to the Standards for the Teaching Profession and Fit to be a Teacher requirement. These testimonials should be written by a Principal or Centre Manager. Testimonials from other senior teachers can be considered. They should be within the last 10 years.

  10. Professional development - Evidence of continuing education or professional development. Please provide a list of workshops, seminars, in-house training, courses and other development activities you’ve undertaken since gaining your initial teacher education qualification. Copies of each of your certificates are not required. 

  11. A current copy of your curriculum vitae – This ensures we have full information about your previous teaching experience and any other employment information that may be helpful in processing your application.

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What is a certified document?

A certified document is a copy of your original document, which must be current, that has been verified by an official using an official stamp or seal. Officials include:  

  • School principal or centre manager 
  • Solicitor, Justice of the Peace or notary public 
  • Court registrar 
  • The authority who originally issued the document 

The person certifying your documents must note on every page the following: “certified true copy of the original”, and clearly identify and include on the document: 

  • Full name of official 
  • Signature, title, address and contact number of the official 
  • Official stamp or seal 
  • Date the documents were certified 

In this section

  • ECE or Primary endorsement

    Teachers who have been registered through the discretionary pathway may need an endorsement for Ministry of Education funding and regulatory purposes.