When to apply

You can apply for registration as soon as you have graduated (or are eligible to graduate) from your Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme or if your registration expired prior to 2015.

If you don’t intend to start teaching immediately, you can apply for registration only or choose to delay registration and applying for a practising certificate until you are ready to begin teaching.  

If you would like to begin your career as a teacher immediately, please apply for registration and a practising certificate at the same time.

Registrations issued after 2015 do not expire; you will retain your registration even if your practising certificate expires and is not renewed.

As a registered teacher your name will appear on our public, online Register of New Zealand Registered Teachers.

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Requirements for Kaiako Whai Rēhitanga | Teacher Registration

When applying for registration and a practising certificate for the first time you will be required to fill out a Proof of Identity form - this is a requirement for people working with children as part of the Children's Act.

Requirement  Evidence

For NZ-trained  

You hold an approved New Zealand Initial Teacher Education (ITE) qualification 

Certified copy of your approved New Zealand ITE qualification.


A link you provide for the Council to access your ITE qualification details on eQuals.  


Formal written confirmation from your New Zealand ITE provider, that you have successfully completed your ITE programme.

For overseas-trained

You hold an equivalent or comparable teacher education qualification  


A certified copy of your New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) International Qualifications Assessment (IQA) that shows your qualification is comparable to a New Zealand ITE qualification, as well as certified copies of your overseas teaching qualification or qualifications, and any underpinning qualifications.

You are committed to the expectations in the Code | Ngā Tikanga Matatika  

A declaration that you are committed to the values and expectations in the Code | Ngā Tikanga Matatika. 


A declaration about whether you are under investigation for any matters that might impact your teaching or ability to meet the requirements of the Code | Ngā Tikanga Matatika. 

You have a satisfactory New Zealand Police vet 

Your consent for the Council to apply to New Zealand Police for your police vet.


Confirmation of the types of verified identity documents that you provided to your identity referee. Find more information about identity checks.

Where applicable, you have satisfactory overseas police vets 

Police vets that you have obtained from the national police service of the issuing country, for any country you have lived in for 12 months or more in the 10 years before you made your application to the Council.


A statutory declaration if you are unable to obtain a police vet. 

You are physically and mentally able to carry out a teaching role safely and satisfactorily 

A declaration that you do not have a condition that would affect your ability to teach safely and satisfactorily.  

If required: 

Any additional evidence, such as a medical certificate, to support your ability to teach. 

You are competent in English and/or te reo Māori 

One of the evidence types listed in the Council’s language competency policy. 

You are committed to develop and practise te reo me ngā tikanga Māori (Māori language and protocols) 

A declaration that you are committed to develop and practise te reo me ngā tikanga Māori throughout your teaching career. 


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