Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
I have two front of mind items for you – you can now employ ex-teachers on a LAT, and the ongoing Rauhuia: Terenga Huihuinga | Symposia Series that continues (click here to enrol) today at 4:00pm.
I would like to thank all of you who attended the first of the Rauhuia | Leadership: Terenga Huihuinga | Symposia Series last month. It was great to see so many of you there asking questions to our presenters. We have more symposia coming in the new year so keep an eye on your inbox, or our website, for information and invites. I truly hope the remainder of the year goes smoothly for everyone, and to our kaiako and ākonga in the midst of NCEA examinations right now, I wish you all the best. Noho ora mai, Lesley Hoskin Tāhuhu Rangapū | Chief Executive