Tēnā koutou kātoa,
I’d like to invite you to provide feedback on the Teaching Council’s proposed fee and levy charges for the next three years. I appreciate this is not a popular topic as the current cost-of-living is challenging for everyone.
In line with the Governing Council’s decision to review our fees and levy every three years we’re proposing some changes, including an increase to the renewal of a practising certificate fees and levy for the 2025-2028 period from $464.37 to $501.74. We’re also proposing increases to the cost of an overseas teacher application, and for the cost of applying for a review. The details of these can be found in the links below.
Please click the link below to read the documents and share your feedback as we greatly value your thoughts and insights. The Governing Council will consider all feedback it receives before making final decisions on each element of the proposal.
Ngā mihi
Lesley Hoskin Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive
Tēnā koutou kātoa,
E tono atu ana ahau ki a koutou kia tukuna mai ō koutou whakaaro mō ngā utu me te utu āwhina kua tūtohua e Matatū Aotearoa/The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand mō ngā tau e toru e haere ake nei. E mōhio ana ahau ehara tēnei i te kaupapa māmā, inā rā, e taumaha ana te utu oranga ki te tokonui i tēnei wā.
E ai ki te kupu tūturu a te Kaunihera Whakahaere o Matatū Aotearoa ki te arotake i ā mātou utu me te utu awhina ia toru tau, e tūtohu ana mātou i ētahi rerekētanga. Kei roto i ēnei ko te pikinga o te utu whakahoutanga mō te tiwhikete whakaako mō te wā 2025–2028, mai i te $464.37 ki te $501.74. Kei te tūtohu hoki mātau kia tino piki te utu mō ngā tono a ngā kaiako nō tāwāhi me ngā utu mō ngā tono arotake. Ka kitea ngā taipitopito kōrero katoa i ngā hono kei raro iho nei.
He mea nui ki a mātou tō koutoureo me ō koutou whakaaro, nā reira tēnā, pāwhiritia te hono kei raro iho nei kia pānui ai i ngā tuhinga, ā, kia tukuna mai ō koutou whakaaro. Ka āta wherawhera i te Kaunihera Whakahaere i ngā urupare kaoa ka riro mai, i mua i te whakataunga i tēnā wāhanga, i tēnā wāhanga o te tūtohutanga.
Ngā mihi nui
Lesley Hoskin Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive