Education Advice and Professional Services team

In the Education Advice and Professional Services team, we collaborate with stakeholders to consider changes to regulatory settings, in order to continue promoting teacher quality and helping teachers change lives. We also support teachers and the broader education sector to be able to access the latest in education research.

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Haepapa Tiriti team

The Teaching Council’s Haepapa Tiriti is a dynamic team driven by a desire to ensure our Māori and Pacific kaiako are supported, and ākonga are achieving excellence. Our work consists of supporting and delivering services for all kaiako such as Unteach Racism, as well as delivering internal initiatives to lift the Teaching Council’s cultural capabilities. As an organisation we strive to ensure our education system for kaiako is equitable and engaging for all young people, to which Haepapa Tiriti plays an important role.

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Relationship Management and Pathways team

Teachers shape the future, and we are dedicated to uplifting and empowering the profession, maximising both individual potential and collective impact. We actively engage with teachers and stakeholders to amplify their voices and elevate the status of the profession. By fostering strong partnerships and creating pathways for Tangata Whenua, Tangata Tiriti, and others, we honour the unique nature of teaching and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Te Ohu Aroākapa | Contact Centre team

We are the friendly voice of the Teaching Council, the bridge between educators and the profession. Through every interaction, we provide personalised and clear support, ensuring teachers feel heard, valued, and well-informedWe offer meaningful guidance that empowers educators and strengthens confidence in the profession.

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Te Ohu Haepapa Ngaio | Professional Responsibility and Legal team

We safeguard children and uphold the integrity of the teaching profession. We ensure fairness through clear communication and efficient, reasonable decision-making. Committed to natural justice, we act with respect and fairness in all we do. To us, this process is more than upholding legislation; we strengthen the mana of teaching. We empower members of the profession to support teachers and ensure a safe and positive learning environment for ākonga and their whānau.

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Te Ohu Hangarau Whakaaturanga | ICT team

The Teaching Council, as a professional body, requires a secure and efficient IT infrastructure to protect teachers' data, ensuring its available for the purpose with which it’s held, and is used appropriately. By equipping the Teaching Council with the right tools and applications, we enable faster, smarter work, allowing employees to focus on their core roles instead of IT challenges. Through innovation and continuous improvement, we not only enhance operational efficiency, but also elevate the service teachers receive.

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Te Ohu Kāhui Rangapū | Executive Support team

Working alongside the Governing Council and Executive Leadership team, our why is to support the wish that every child in Aotearoa receives a safe and high-quality education, while supporting teachers to feel acknowledged and valued by their professional body and feel respected as a profession.

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Te Ohu Kaupapahere | Policy and Implementation team

The Policy and Implementation team within Te Matatū plays a key role in upholding our responsibilities and values as an independent agency by addressing the challenges faced by the teaching profession through teacher-led, evidence-based solutions. We’re a small team of policy experts that research, consult, design and implement policies that put teachers and learners at the centre and reflect our responsibilities as Tiriti partners. Our policies aim to develop and strengthen the partnerships we have with kaiako, unions, stakeholders, and government. We collaborate with public sector agencies and the education sector to create a cohesive education system that fosters educational success for everyone.

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Te Ohu Paerewa (o Ngā Kaiako) | Teacher Quality team

Competence: We promote high quality teaching practice, by supporting teachers to meet Ngā Paerewa | Standards. Support, when needed, is guided by the principles of natural justice, transparency, and the least punitive outcome. By working collaboratively with the profession, we ensure all ākonga receive high quality teaching.  

Initial Teacher Education (ITE): An effective ITE system is key to preparing our teaching workforce to meet the diverse needs of learners and their whānau in both English and Māori medium. In collaboration with ITE providers (who are charged for Teaching Council services) we ensure ITE programmes are dynamic, reflective, and responsive to evolving educational needs. Ultimately, we aim to build a system that embraces Aotearoa New Zealand's unique sociocultural context and equips future teachers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and practices to thrive in their first teaching roles. 

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Te Ohu Pūmanawa | People and Culture team

The People and Culture team at the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand ensure that our kaimahi are supported by a culture that makes our place a thriving, diverse and inclusive place to work. We create an environment for our people to empower, protect, and champion the profession ensuring that the mana of all is celebrated and upheld. Our goal is for the profession to see the mana we have for them reflected in the people we have working to support it.

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Te Ohu Rēhitatanga | Registration team

The Registration team registers and certificates teachers to ensure that every child and young person has access to qualified, skilled, and caring educators who empower them to reach their full potential. By upholding high professional standards, we safeguard learner well-being, support teachers, and sustain the quality of education that shapes the future. Our rigorous registration process maintains trust in the profession, affirming teachers’ expertise, commitment, and standing in the community. Through efficient and compassionate certification, we strengthen the mana of teaching and contribute to a system that values teaching as more than a profession—it is a vital promise to our children and society. 

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Te Ohu Tahua | Finance and Performance team, Te Ohu Tuituiā | Shared Services team

The Finance, Performance, and Administration & Support teams at the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand are focussed on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Teaching Council. By seeking optimal allocation and management of resources, we support the Teaching Council's vision of ‘strengthening the mana of teaching, so teachers can change lives’.  By ensuring there is transparency and accountability, we build confidence and trust in the Teaching Council with teachers, whanau, learners, and the public. We embrace the profession’s behaviours of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, pono and whakamana as we welcome teachers into Te Whare o Matatū, reinforcing our shared goal of nurturing a thriving educational community. 

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Te Ohu Whakapā | Communications and Advice team

A communications team helps kaiako | teachers navigate their journey by making important information clear and accessible. This keeps them informed, strengthens their understanding of their role, and deepens our connection to the profession. With this support, kaiako | teachers feel empowered to make a real impact – for their sector and the profession as a whole.

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