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Location: North Shore, Auckland 

Academic qualifications 
2024 Master of Education with Distinction,  
2015 Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching)

Current position 
I currently hold the position of a Year 7 and 8 classroom teacher at Te Atatū Intermediate School on the Te Atatū Penisula in West Auckland. In 2023, during my postgraduate studies, I worked as a reliever at TAI, and decided to step back into the classroom full-time for 2024. As a homeroom kaiako, I teach Te Reo Matatini/English (reading, writing, oral language, etc.), Pāngarau/Maths, Te Ao Tangata/Social Sciences, Akoranga Koiri/HPE, Te Reo Māori, while my ākonga also attend specialist Technology, Art and Science classes. Due to the demands of university, I did not seek any formal leadership roles but would like to take up either the union representative or BoT staff representative position at my school at the start of 2025.
My Master’s scholarship stipulated reduced teaching hours, affording me the opportunity to work at different schools. This suited my study schedule and enabled me to experience a range of school types, socio-economic realities, and leadership practices. 

Active teaching experience 
Recent Work History: 
Te Atatu Intermediate School, January 2024 – current, Year 7 & 8 Homeroom Teacher 
April – December 2023 - Relief Teacher Year 7 & 8

Literacy Aotearoa (Adult Education), January – March 2023, Site Coordinator (North/West) 

Glenfield Intermediate School, January- December 2022, Year 7 & 8 Enrichment Class 

Diocesan School for Girls, January-December 2021, Year 7 to 10 Social Studies Teacher 

Albany Junior High School, January- December 2020, Relief Teacher Years 7 to 10 (Homeroom and Specialist) 
June 2016-December 2019, Year 8 Homeroom Teacher, Year 7 and 9 Food Technology, Year 9 & 10 Social Studies 

Hobsonville Primary School, January-June 2016, Year 8 Homeroom Teacher 

Governance experience 
Board of Trustees Albany Junior High School, 2021 - 2023, Parent Representative 

Personal interests 
In my downtime, I love reading, anything from crime thrillers, fantasy and mystery, dystopian and romantic, historical novels or any combination of those. My children and I have a few favourite Netflix shows we keep watching over and over, and we enjoy cooking together as a whānau. I am very interested in current events (national and international) and subscribe to several news sites and online newspapers. When I was a professional athlete, I travelled a lot, and I still enjoy exploring new places and revisiting known ones. My interests are wideranging, one of the superpowers of having ADHD, I love learning new things and reasearch in general. Online deep dives are nothing unusual in our whare. Another pominent characteristic of being neurodivergent is a strong sense of social justice which leads to advocacy efforts. I also enjoy walking with my dogs Pixie and Koby and spending time with friends over a coffee or a glass of wine. 

Profile statement 
Ko Sabine Brooke tōku ingoa. I am dedicated to restoring teachers' mana as trusted professionals. Kaiako have been deprofessionalised and made scapegoats for systemic inequities in Aotearoa for too long. As an immigrant educator with ADHD and a single mother of a queer rangatahi, I am passionat about social justice and equity.  
I have a teaching background as a homeroom and specialist kaiako, predominately in Intermediate schools. Additionally, I recently completed a Master of Education, focusing on the effects of neoliberal education policies on teachers and their identities. If elected, I will advocate for the recognition of teachers' tremendous expertise and commitment, aiming to return respect and autonomy to our profession.  
Marrying the principles of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, and utu with Western DEIB practices, I aspire to be part of a team that embraces and empowers all kaiako to find their voices and reclaim their professional dignity and collective strength.

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Location: Massey, West Auckland

Academic qualifications 
1986 Diploma in Teaching.  
1988 Teacher registration.  
2008 Bachelor of Education (endorsement in TESOL).  
2015 Post graduate diploma in Specialist Education (Learning and Behaviour).  
2021 Master of Specialist Teaching (Learning and Behaviour) with Distinction.

Current position 
Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) and member of the schools senior management team.

Active teaching experience 
1987 Taihape Primary School, Taihape.  
Y3/4 classroom teacher. Maori cultural group leader and netball coach.  
1988 Waiouru Primary School, Waiouru. Reading tutor, Maori language and waiata tutor (Feb - March).  
1997 - 2011 Colwill School, Auckland. Classroom teacher ranging from Year 3/4, 5/6 and Y7/8. Began as a reliever in West Auckland. Held various roles such as Te Reo Maori, Taha Maori, Kapa Haka (juniors) , ESOL, Lotto Swim Safe, PE and Sports. Netball coach, Saturday co-ordinator and North West Cluster Sports Rep. 
2001 International Visitors Programme (Term 1 - 3).  
2002 International Visitors (Korean) short term programme.  
2005 Summer Holiday Programme for International Visitors. 
2008 Sabbatical leave (scholarship B. Ed).  
2009 - 2011 Syndicate leader Y7/8  and Y0-8 whanau team leader.  
2012 Deputy Principal (shared role July - Nov).  
2012 - 2017 Resource teacher of learning and behaviour (RTLB). Cluster 5, West Auckland. Worked in many schools ranging from primary, intermediate and high schools.  
2011 October (8-23) Overseas school trip to Korea. International teacher working with the schools Korean liaison officer. We visited our "sister school" in Korea, travelling with students and staff.  
An eye opening experience, teaching in schools and being a visitor. It helped me understand what it's like to be in a country where English is not the first language. An insight into how our ESOL students and their families must feel when they come to our country. 
2020 June. Returned to the teaching profession as the LSC, while I was studying for my Masters (commenced study during the COVID pandemic).  
2020-2024 Colwill School Massey, Auckland. LSC and member of the senior management team.  
Approximately 32 years in education. Started teachers college in Palmerston Nth, at 17 years of age. I began my teaching career at Taihape Primary three years later. Support and guidance from experienced colleagues was imperative as I was brand new and needed as much help as I could get. These mentors, and many more I met along the way, helped guide my practice and classroom management.   
Great mentors are invested in their community, build genuine relationships and take an interest in their students and really care about their colleagues. Taking care of each other was needed then, and is still needed now. Teachers, students and more importantly families, need support and to feel valued. When you value one person, you value their entire family. 

Governance experience 

Personal interests 
Personal fitness. Exercising has always been part of my life. I was a fitness instructor for 9 years, while teaching, turning my gym hobby into employment. First I trained as a physical instructor and then as a fitness instructor, teaching classes after work and in the weekend. Exercise is where I find clarity and it keeps me focused.  
I've grown up training in some form or other. If it wasn't learning how to swim in the beach at Westshore with my dad, it was running in the bush in Ohakune or on the athletic track in Napier. We grew up active. Our father made sure we were kept busy and had a range of activities to do. Just like education, sports, gymnastics, music, ballet and physical activity were part of my life. 
Spending time with my family. My husband, of 38 years, and I are very fortunate to have grandchildren. They're a blessing, as all children are. Watching them grow is an amazing and humbling experience. We see our children raising their children and where we can, we offer our experience and knowledge. Raising families is easier when you have support, just like teaching. We all need the help of others and a team effort goes a long way. No one should feel alone.  
My husband and I also enjoy our time together - at home, travelling Aotearoa,  or going for rides on his motorbike.  I have a little 50cc Vino scooter and that's a lot of fun too! 

Profile statement 
From an early age, I've always known I'd be a teacher.  Education's my life's journey. I may not have governance experience but I do have decades of teaching experience. Being an educator requires dedication, hard work,  changing what you're doing when things aren't working, helping others as much as you can and the desire to keep going, no matter what. Genuine care and an open heart goes without saying. 
If elected, my hope is that teaching continues to be that. That our profession attracts, sustains and supports those who have that heart and desire to serve.  
Honesty, trust, high expectations and accountability are paramount if elected. My background includes classroom teaching, RTLB, LSC and senior management positions.  I've taught in Taihape, Waiouru and Auckland. From a B.Ed with an endorsement in TESOL, to post graduate studies in Learning and Behaviour and a Masters in Specialist Teaching.  
Professionally trained, personally invested.

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Location: Auckland 

Academic qualifications 
- Masters of Educational Leadership (Current) 
- Post-graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary) 
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Education) 
- Teach NZ Study Award-2025 

Current position 
Associate Principal 

Active teaching experience 
26 years of Teaching experience 

Governance experience 
Acting Principal ( on School Board) Term 2 2023 

Personal interests
- Watching movies 
- Reading 
- Dancing 
- Going for walks 

Profile statement 
Kia ora, ko Gina tōku ingoa,   
I am an Associate Principal at an Auckland primary school with 26 years of experience in education.  As a lifelong learner, I am completing my Master’s in Educational Leadership. I am deeply passionate about teaching and learning, particularly the induction and mentoring of Beginning Teachers (PCTs).
For the past six years, I have led the design and implementation of a comprehensive PCT induction program at my school, collaborating with mentor teachers to provide high-quality support for Beginning Teachers. I have also served on the Teaching Council’s Initial Teacher Education Advisory Group (2018– April 2024) and Monitoring, Review, and Moderation Working Group (2023– April 2024), contributing to national-level discussions about teacher education and professional standards.
I am committed to ensuring all teachers, particularly those entering our profession, are well-prepared and supported to deliver equitable outcomes for all ākonga. I advocate for teachers’ professionalism and well-being.

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Location: Gisborne, New Zealand

Academic qualifications 
Bachelor of Teaching Degree - UCOL - Certificate in Public Sector for Case Managers (MSD) Level 3 - National Certificate in Public Sector (MSD) Level 4

Current position 
For the past 11 years at Gisborne Intermediate School, I have been dedicated to integrating a Tikanga Māori approach within a mainstream setting through our Ngā Manu a Rehua initiative. This program, which infuses Kaupapa Māori into the classroom, has deepened cultural connections, fostering respect and understanding across diverse backgrounds. Ngā Manu a Rehua has proven how a Tikanga Māori approach can enhance student engagement and create a sense of belonging, empowering our tamariki to thrive both academically and personally. Looking ahead, I am pursuing an educational consultancy called Ngā Ahikāpuni, set to launch at a local primary school in 2025. This new initiative brings Māori storytelling to the forefront, illustrating how it can enrich our educational framework and strengthen our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. In the Governing Council role, I bring this experience to help shape inclusive policies that honor cultural diversity and foster meaningful Treaty obligations.

Active teaching experience 
As a teacher at Gisborne Intermediate School for the past 11 years, I have been privileged to implement a Tikanga Māori approach within mainstream setting through our initiative, Ngā Manu a Rehua. This program infuses Kaupapa Māori principles into everyday teaching, creating a learning environment that honors Māori culture, enriching the experiences of all students. Through Ngā Manu a Rehua, I have helped foster a deeper sense of belonging and respect across cultures, encouraging students to explore their own identities and develop meaningful connections with each other. This initiative has proven that a Tikanga Māori approach within mainstream education enhances engagement and cultural understanding, empowering students to thrive both academically and personally. As a member of the Governing Council, I am excited to bring this commitment to culturally responsive teaching, helping to shape policies that support diverse cultural integration and promote a truly inclusive educational environment for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Governance experience 
For the past 11 years, I have helped champion a Tikanga Māori approach through Ngā Manu a Rehua, a program I helped govern to integrate Kaupapa Māori within a mainstream setting. As part of its governing body, I have ensured that tikanga solutions are central, fostering a deeper cultural connection for all students and helping them thrive across cultures. Beyond the classroom, I bring governance experience from our Marae Hui and Land Block meetings, where I am dedicated to upholding Treaty of Waitangi principles. In these roles, I consistently advocate for Tikanga-based solutions that honor our obligations to the Treaty, ensuring cultural integrity and community engagement. I am now establishing Ngā Ahikāpuni, an educational consultancy launching in 2025 to bring Māori storytelling to local schools, further enhancing Treaty partnerships. I am excited to bring these governance insights and a commitment to culturally responsive policy to the Governing Council.

Personal interests 
My personal interests in fishing, diving, rugby, league, and the outdoors connect me deeply to Te Taiao, our natural world, fostering a strong appreciation for guardianship and sustainability. These passions not only enrich my life but also guide my approach as a teacher and community leader, grounding me in values that emphasize respect for both our environment and each other. Reading, storytelling, and Tikanga Māori hold a special place for me as well. I enjoy exploring stories that celebrate cultural heritage and impart knowledge, especially through Māori storytelling. This love for storytelling shapes my work in education and governance, helping me create meaningful connections and foster an inclusive learning environment. In the Governing Council role, my interests align closely with advocating for culturally responsive policies that honor the Treaty of Waitangi, deepen cultural understanding, and inspire a holistic approach to education that values our whenua, people, and shared stories.

Profile statement 
Kia ora, my name is Norman Hauiti, and I bring a deep commitment to education, shaped by the rich heritage of tikanga Māori instilled by my nannies and papas. Raised in Tairāwhiti and currently an intermediate school teacher, I am dedicated to nurturing our tamariki and mokopuna through Māori storytelling and values. My strengths in manaakitanga (respect and care), whanaungatanga (relationship-building), and kaitiakitanga (guardianship) guide my approach in empowering students to embrace their identity and connect with their heritage. 
As a member of the Governing Council, I will leverage my knowledge of Māori values to help shape policies that resonate with diverse communities and support an inclusive, culturally-responsive education system. With my commitment to upholding the Council’s legislative functions, I aim to contribute meaningfully to strategic initiatives, ensuring an effective governance culture and risk management that places the interests of both the teaching profession and the public at the forefront.

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Location: Auckland 

Academic qualifications  
BSc Genetics (Hons) - University of Liverpool 
Post Graduate Certificate in Education - University of Bristol 
Early Years Professional Status - Portsmouth University 
Masters degree in Special Education and Inclusion - University of Nottingham 

Current position 
Learning Coach at AGE School Takapuna 

Active teaching experience 
Knowsley Hey Secondary School, Liverpool, England. Sept 2001 - 2007. Secondary school teacher. 
The Heath Secondary School, Runcorn, England. Sept 2007 - 2008. Secondary school teacher. 
Teaching career break as I was a self employed childminder. 
Kids - The disabled childrens charity. 2009 - 20012, Fareham, Hampshire, England. Nursery Manager and Early Support coordinator. 
Peel Common Primary and Nursery School, Studdington, Hampshire, England. 2012-2013. Nursery class teacher. 
The Garden School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2013 - 2015. Nursery Teacher 
Modern English School, Ciaro, Egypt. 2015 - 2018. Head of Year 3. 
Manurewa West School, Manurewa, Auckland, New Zealand. June 2018 - 2019. Class teacher 
Oteha Valley School, Oteha, Auckland, New Zealand. Jan 2019 - Dec 2023. Learning Leader 
Age School Takapuna, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. Jan 24 till current day. Learning Coach 

Governance experience 
Member of the NZEA local board for the North Shore 2022 - 2023. 
Briefly held the position of secretary, but had to resign the post on accepting a teaching role in a private school. 

Personal interests 
I am a passionate believer in life long learning, and I live that belief out to the full.  
Most recently I have begun to perform as a stand up comedian, at the time of writing I have only completed one performance, but I intend to do many more. This is just one example though. I currently study the martial arts of HEMA, Historical European Martial Arts, which involved looking back through translated manuscripts and trying to recreate the european martial traditions which have been lost to history. My current favourite is 2 handed longsword.  
I am very engaged with a whole range of different sports and activities, from gaming, through football (which I played for the first time 2 years ago, but now love) sailing and running a dungeons and dragons game as the dungeon master. I also love dancing... 

Profile statement 
I began teaching in 2001 in the UK. Eight years later, I quit teaching for ever; I couldn't bear the way that the English curriculum was overloaded with facts. Having quit teaching, I began childminding for my newly-born daughter and and other people's children. It was the time of the EYFS in England, the very beginning there of learning through play, and I loved it. Since then, I've taught everything from early years to Y12 and I've completed a Masters in Inclusive Education. 
I love the NZ curriculum, but our education system is failing our students. Our education system is filled with passionate, caring young teachers, who leave the profession because they can't afford to stay in it. Others never even apply because they can see the conditions we face. NZ teachers are not getting the support we need for our tamariki to flourish. 
I want to change that.

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Tecwyn Calder KING

Location: Ngāmotu, New Plymouth 

Academic qualifications 
BMus - Bachelor of Music. 
MTchgLn - Master of Teaching and learning. 

Current position 
Performing Arts Kaiako. 

Active teaching experience 
High school H.O.D music 2016 - 2020. 
Intermediate (primary) 2020 - present. 
Private music tutor 2010 - present. 

Governance experience 
No experience but keen to learn. 

Personal interests
I’m a diehard supporter of the Southland Stags. 
I enjoy writing and creating music and art. 
I love smoking a rack of ribs low n slow, and enjoy throwing dice in a game of Warhammer 40K. 

Profile statement 
Tēna koutou tēna koutou tēna koutou katoa. 
Ko Takitimu te Mauka 
Ko Aparima te Awa 
Ko Kai Tahu te iwi 
Ko Kai Tuahuriri te hapū 
Ko Tecwyn toku ingoa. 
Kia ora kaiako. I believe I am a strong candidate for nomination to the governing council. I’m a Southland born lad, this has meant I’ve grown up in a place where people put work ethic and kindness first and are two qualities I uphold. I can provide a voice for those who are just starting out and in the middle of their teaching careers, even though I have no experience in governance I am a quick and resilient learner.  
It would be an honour and a privilege to serve on the governing council, to learn and grow within the education sector and to give key feedback from younger voices. 
Thanks for your time and good luck to the other candidates.

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Location: Christchurch 

Academic qualifications 
Bachelor of Education 

Current position
Relieving teacher 

Active teaching experience
Relieving teacher in Christchurch

Governance experience 
Curriculum leader experience.  
Active role promoting teaching and learning

Personal interests 
Travel, walking, sports, reading, spending time with family 

Profile statement 
I have been teaching since 1995 and have extensive experience in both Auckland and Christchurch schools. I have taught across multiple levels. I am a passionate educator who always strives to get the best learning experiences for the students I teach. I love to promote and celebrate teaching and learning!

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Location: Te Tai Rāwhiti 

Academic qualifications 
Bachelor of Teaching  
Bachelor of Maori Studies 
Mindlab Certificate 

Current position 
Resource Teacher Māori - 10 years. Working in schools supporting kaiako teaching in te reo, Reorua, bi-lingual and mainstream schools from years 1-8. 

Active teaching experience 
Kura Kaupapa Māori Teacher, year 5-8 - 5 yrs 
Secondary school Te Reo Maori & Technology - 3 years 
Kura Kaupapa Māori Teacher year 1-2 - 2 years 
Resource Teacher Māori - current position 

Governance experience 
BOT Member 
NARTAM - National Advisory Resource Teachers Maori Secretary and treasurer. 
CEAC NZEI - Central East Area Council Executive member. 
Whanau Trust secretary.  
Te Reo Areare representative Te Waipounamu Dunedin Aronui Tomua NZEI. 

Personal interests 
Looking after mokopuna. 
Hauora - healthy living 

Profile statement 
Nei ra te mihi matakuikui matakorokoro kia koutou katoa. 
He uri tenei nō te waka Mataatua.  
Ki te taha o tōku māmā nō Ngai Tuhoe, NgāPuhi rātou ko Te Whakatōhea. Ki te taha o tōku Pāpā nō NgātiAwa, Te Arawa rātou ko Tuwharetoa.  
E noho ana au i te taha o ngā rekereke o Hikurangi maunga ki Ruatoria. Titiro whakararo ki te Riu o Waiapu, ko te rohe tenei o NgatPorou. Nō te whanau Ngarimu toku hoa rangatira ki te taha o tōna māmā. No Aerana (Ireland) tōna Pāpā. Tokoono o māua tamariki. Tokoiwa nga mokopuna. I am passionate in the teaching and learning of all tamariki mokopuna. Especially our te reo Matauranga Kūra, KKM, Reorua & Rūmaki. Supporting kaiako in teaching our tamariki to become academic high achievers. I also support Maori learning models of Te Tapawha & Te Wheke, which have a holistic approach in teaching tamariki, mokopuna.

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Heidi Jane ROBERTS

Location: Christchurch 

Academic qualifications 
Doctor of Education 
University of Canterbury, Christchurch 
Inclusive Teaching Practice in Mathematics 
Master of Education – with second class honours 
University of Canterbury, Christchurch 
Postgraduate Diploma in Education - endorsed in leadership 
University of Canterbury, Christchurch 
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning  
University of Canterbury, Christchurch 

Current position 
Classroom Teacher 
Selwyn House School/ May 2024 – Present 

Active teaching experience 
Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour 
North Canterbury RTLB  
Kaiapoi North School / Jan 2018 – Dec 2019  
Tutor & Marker 
University of Canterbury / Oct 2021 – Dec 2022 
Mathematics & Statistics Facilitator 
UC Education Plus / Jan 2010 – Dec 2010 [Secondment] 
Classroom Teacher, Team Leader, Mathematics CLASSROOM TEACHER, TEAM LEADER, Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum Leader & Mentor Teacher 
Kaiapoi North School / Jan 2006 – Jul 2014 

Governance experience 
BOT REP - KNS 2009-2010 

Personal interests 
My interests include spending time with family, reading, travelling both within New Zealand and internationally, coaching netball, and exploring the outdoors through biking and hiking. I'm passionate about advocating for equal access to education for all, and before becoming a mother, I volunteered for St John. 

Profile statement 
As a passionate advocate for quality education with a Doctorate in Education, I bring experience in curriculum design, staff development, and fostering strong school-community connections alongside proven governance expertise. This combination has strengthened my ability to advocate for educators and drive initiatives that enhance teaching and learning. 
My leadership is grounded in empathy, integrity, and a dedication to raising the mana of teachers across Aotearoa. I am committed to championing policies that promote equity, excellence, and high expectations while ensuring primary teachers’ voices are heard and valued. 
If elected to the Governing Council, I would be honoured to represent primary teachers, using my governance experience to support professional development and innovation. Together, we can shape a future where teaching is inclusive, responsive, and impactful, ensuring our profession evolves to meet the diverse needs of educators and learners across Aotearoa.

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Location: Palmerston North 

Academic qualifications 
Massey University - Master of Philosophy (in Education) — 2009-2011 
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa - Certificate in Te Ao Māori — 2010-2010 
Massey University College of Education - Bachelor of Education in Primary Teaching with Honours — 2005-2008 

Current position 
Senior Leadership Team at Ross Intermediate since 2017 (with a break between 2020 and 2022 as I was President of NZEI Te Riu Roa). 

Active teaching experience 
Classroom Teacher at Ross Intermediate 2009. 
Team Leader between 2015 and 2016. 
Senior Leadership Team 2017 to present. 

Governance experience 
Extensive governance experience across unions and not-for-profits. 
National Executive of NZEI Te Riu Roa between 2014 and 2024.  Included 3 years as President and 5 years as chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. 
Board Member of MUCESA Charitable Trust since 2013 - the trust supports training and PCT teachers in their development outside of literacy and numeracy. 
Board Member of Digits Charitable Trust since 2017 - the trust focuses on solving digital inclusion issues in the Manawatū. 
Board Member of UnionAid since 2023. 
Board Member of National Advocacy Trust since 2024. 

Personal interests 
Ko Wai Au? 
Ko Tararua te maunga.   
Ko Punahau te awa.   
I tipu ake au ki Horowhenua. 
E noho ana au ki Papaioea. 
Ko Ashhurst taku kainga noho.   
He tangata Tiriti ahau 
Ko Rutherford te whanau.   
Ko Colin McDonald rāua Ko Pat Bird ōku Kaumātua  
Ko Aeisha taku wahine.   
Ko Max Huatoa raua Millie Rangimarae aku tamariki 
Ko Liam taku ingoa.  
Family, Cricket, Football, and Running, Politics, Podcasts. 

Profile statement 
Kia ora koutou 
Ma te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātau. - In unity, we have strength. 
I will be an advocate for teachers and the challenges we face and a champion of the amazing work that takes place across classrooms and schools every day. 
Teachers want to feel they get value for the certification fees they pay and this requires experiencing high quality services and to see the Teaching Council fighting for issues that reflect them. 
My decision making will be driven by a desire to see the teaching profession being led by teachers and centering equity, wellbeing, and progress of ākonga. 
Areas that I am particularly interested in advocating around include valuing the role of teachers, grounding our profession in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, initial teacher education, inclusive education, learning support, and the role of AI in Education.

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Location: Hamilton, Waikato 

Academic qualifications 
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary. 
Certificate in Open, Flexible and Networked Learning (Level 5). 
New Zealand Certificate in Te Reo (Rūmaki, Reo Rua). 
National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Level 5), New Zealand Environment 
National Certificate in Māori (Te Waharoa) (Level 2). 
Institute of Directors, Company Directors Course Certificate. 

Current position 
Registered teacher. 

Active teaching experience 
Hukanui Primary School, Classroom Teacher. 
Koromatua School, Classroom Teacher. 
Frankton Primary School, Classroom Teacher. 
Rhode Street School, Classroom Teacher, Enviroschool Lead. 
Kaharoa School, Classroom Teacher. 

Governance experience 
Member of Institute of Directors, working towards Charted Membership. 
5+ years Governance experience Waikato Regional Council. 
Current Board of Trustees Chair, Berkley Normal Middle School. 

Personal interests 
I love spending time with my whānau - being active, and thinking about and planning our next adventure. I am a keen recreational cyclist, and enjoy reading a good book and all forms of active relaxing. I am always looking for ways to increase my knowledge and apply it in my current and future experiences. 

Profile statement 
Kia ora,  
I have a strong background in both education and governance. I began teaching 20 years ago, and have taught at a wide range of schools and year levels. I currently have children in our education system.  
As a society we must value the key role our teaching professionals play. Teachers change lives, and investing in, and supporting them strengthens our communities, both now and in the future. I will actively listen to the perspectives of our Primary teachers, to ensure our diverse voice is strongly represented in decision making.   
I am currently the Board of Trustees Chair at our daughter’s school. This role has broadened my understanding of both the opportunities and challenges currently facing our eduation sector. As a member of the Institute of Directors, I uphold the highest standards of governance, actively applying best practises to foster accountability, transparency, and collaboration. 
Ngā mihi nui,  

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Location: Tuakau 

Academic qualifications 
Bachelor of Teaching 

Current position 
Within Schools Facilitator for Literacy & Numeracy and Year 8 classroom teacher 

Active teaching experience 
I bring seven years of teaching experience, complemented by leadership and collaboration roles that drive meaningful change.  
2019-2020 Within School Role: As a cultural liaison, I was honored to support a 2-year process of a school name change, fostering respect for our shared heritage and building stronger community connections consulting iwi and whaanau.  
2022-2024: As an Across Schools facilitator this strengthened my ability to collaborate effectively, lead initiatives and inspire professional growth. My workstreams were Learner Agency & Aotearoa New Zealand History where I constructed a schoolwide Year 0-Year 8 pathway of learning to embed this knowledge. 
2023: Education Group mentoring for a year, to implement a school wide work stream during my Across School role and to grow and develop leadership for other teachers within my workstreams. 
2024: Liz Kane Literacy 'The Code' 
2024: Dr. Alison Davis (Vision Education Group)- One to one mentoring for a year to implement Literacy workstream across all Year 7 & Year 8 
2024- to present: Within Schools Facilitator Literacy & Numeracy Workstream. 
Most recently, I guided the upskilling of 11 teachers to prepare for the 2025 Literacy & Numeracy changes, ensuring they felt confident and supported in implementing these critical updates. I have co-constructed planning that is based on data for Year 7 & 8 and facilitated day workshops to assist upskilling. My passion lies in creating inclusive environments, championing cultural responsiveness and empowering others to excel. 

Governance experience 
Pukekawa Primary 2015-2017: My governance experience combines strategic oversight with effective collaboration to deliver meaningful outcomes. As Vice President of a Parent Teachers Association for a for 2 years, I led initiatives that enhanced educational opportunities and strengthened community ties. This role required balancing diverse perspectives, driving consensus, and building strong relationships with parents, educators, and school leaders to achieve shared goals.  
Hamaria Trust 2017-2019: In my role as Secretary for a private health trust, I developed a keen focus on accountability, compliance, and transparent communication. I supported strategic decision-making by ensuring accurate documentation, facilitating clear processes, and contributing to long-term planning. 
These experiences have equipped me with the skills to navigate complex challenges, foster inclusive leadership, and align actions with a clear vision. I am passionate about creating environments where collaboration and trust drive sustainable and impactful results. 

Personal interests 
As a busy mum of two young adults, aged 18 and 19, I find joy in both the simple and inspiring moments of life. Whether exploring art galleries, tending to my garden, walking my little dog or spending Saturdays cheering on my daughter at netball. I value connection and creativity. Being on the ocean brings me a sense of calm and renewal, which I carry into my professional and personal life. These interests keep me grounded, energised and inspired to contribute meaningfully to the communities I am part of. 

Profile statement 
As a teacher with a deep commitment to fostering excellence in education, I am honored to stand as a nominee for the Teaching Council Board. My leadership roles in both Across School leadership and Within School Communities of Learning have equipped me with the collaborative skills to drive initiatives that uplift our profession. From leading the Aotearoa New Zealand History curriculum to enhancing Year 7 and 8 Literacy outcomes, I have always prioritised equity and empowerment for learners and educators alike. 
Our profession faces a pivotal opportunity: supporting and integrating migrant workers into teaching in New Zealand. I am passionate about creating pathways and initiatives that embrace diverse perspectives, enriching our classrooms and strengthening our collective future. Together, we can ensure teaching remains a dynamic, inclusive and thriving profession. I humbly seek your vote to advocate for these vital changes and more on behalf of all educators.

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